The Queen's Body Guard for Scotland, The Royal Company of Archers, is the Sovereign's personal Body in Scotland. Founded in 1676, it received its first Royal Charter in 1704. The privilege of recognition as the Monarch's Scottish Body Guard dates from 1822. It was originally formed as an Archery Club and the longbow is still the Royal Company's principal weapon. Shooting remains an important and integral activity with twenty-two major prizes shot for annually, including The Queen's Prize which Her Majesty graciously presents to the winner before the Royal Garden Party at Holyrood Palace. The Royal Company is under command of the Captain-General and Gold Stick for Scotland. Other officers include four Captains, four Lieutenants, four Ensigns and thirteen Brigadiers. Administration of the Royal Company is in the hands of the Council which is made up of seven officers and the President, who is also Silver Stick for Scotland.
Of course this is brought to you by who else but Hogspear.
Shame it fits a 34 inch chest and is not my size. Well, that and the fact that recovery from unemployment hasn't come quickly.